Census Phases

Ras Al Khaimah Statistics Center fieldworkers will conduct a field vis​it to all buildings, facilities and families and count every resident no more and no less than once.

The census counts individuals of all age groups who are present in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah on the night of the count, be they citizens, residents, or visitors.

To cover all areas of the Emirate, the Ras Al Khaimah Census 2023 will be conducted in two phases:



Counting and classifying all residential units and establi​shments in the Emirate and collecting simple information about the family such as the number of individuals, the number of males and females, citizens and non-citizens, nationality and the mother tongue of the head of the household.


Visit each house and meet the head of the family or his representative to get more information about each individual such as age, marital status, level of education, profession, workplace, field of work, and other elements.​

The Ras Al Khaimah Statistics Center relied on a team of fieldworkers who will physically visit all sites and collect data using secured tablets.

 Each field researcher was briefed on the necessary information and training according to international standards. The training process also includes adhering to a strict protocol to protect the privacy of each individual and family included in the census.

CSS has mobilized several fundamental processes and procedures aimed at facilitating the smooth running of the field operations with accuracy and quality. These include state-of-the-art Operations Rooms, Field Support Centres, and Follow-up and Quality Control to ensure:

  • The provision of accurate information and clarification to the public;
  • Supervision and monitoring of the progress of the operations at all times;
  • Continuity and efficiency of field work without interruption; 
  • Close monitoring and quality control of work processes and procedures.​




